Legacy Of Cthulhu: Deluxe Edition
A role-playing game that lets players act as one of the few survivors of the apocalypse brought to Earth by the Great Old Ones and their minions. The game’s main goal is survival, hiding in shelters and waiting for the best windows of opportunity to go on supply runs. Food, medicine, weapons, and gear are the essential tools to resist the dooming future ahead, filled with regular folk possessed by pure desperation and madness, scheming cultists, shadowy priests, and the most dangerous enemies of all: the perverse spawns of Cthulhu and other Great Old Ones, powerful enough to shatter someone’s mind just with their presence.
There are three ways to play The Legacy of Cthulhu:
Solo Player: create one or more survivors and interact with them in the premade scenario through dice rolls on the pre-defined tables, slowly unfolding the characters’ story.
Group of Players: on the second way of playing, you and one or more friends will use the tools for generating and conducting the game without the need for a Storyteller to tell you what will happen. Thus, events and characters will appear according to random rolls and pre-defined tables. At the same time, your group will react to the events the way your characters would find most common and, when necessary, by rolling the dice to check if your actions were successful.
Mediator: finally, the third way to play is by one of the group playing the role of Mediator, similar to the Game Master/Storyteller. The Mediator will answer the questions through the role of the Oracle, ask for the dice rolls to carry out the basic actions, roll the game events and mediate the players’ actions, giving the freedom to insert different elements through the story.
The game has multiple tables to help you with your choices of actions, including looking for resources, temporary refuges, finding weapons or treasure, violent encounters, character reveals, plot twists, and much more! The system allows for almost 20,000 combinations of events, making The Legacy of Cthulhu a deep and long-lasting game experience.