
Hocus Pocus: Science Magic & Mystery Online now


Hocus Pocus: Science Magic & Mystery
Lobotomies! Psychic horses! FBI investigations!

‘Hocus Pocus: Science, Magic & Mystery’#1 is the first in a new series from Professor Richard Wiseman and is filled with interactive stunts and tricks, this comic will read your mind!

  • Time travel to test the arcane abilities of the world-famous Victorian mind reader Washington Irving Bishop.

  • Prepare to have your extra-sensory abilities examined by parapsychologist J.B. Rhine, and come face to face with his seemingly telepathic horse.

  • Gasp as Alexander – ‘The Man Who Knows’ – tells you everything about yourself. Is he a Psychic Supremo or a Conniving Conjurer? You decide

Written by Rik Worth
Art by Jordan Collver
Colours by Owen Watts
Richard Wiseman as creative consultant.

Hocus Pocus: Science Magic & Mystery