Dragon Keepers
Dragon Keepers is a game representing a battle between two powerful forces. The first is a group of evil hunters who want to destroy dragons for trophies and fame. The other group is the heroic dragon keepers who protect and train the dragons. Each player represents the chief of a specific tribe of dragon keepers who will defend the dragons from attacks by the evil hunters at all cost!
In Dragon Keepers, there are 2 different modes of gameplay. Both modes are played over several rounds until players have reached a game ending condition. The game modes are the following:
Keeper Mode
A light competitive game using “push your luck” mechanisms, which takes 10-15 minutes and plays from 3 to 6 players. This mode is a lighter version of the game intended for younger children. The goal for each player is to heroically defend 3 different dragons from the evil hunter.
Dragon Mode
A cooperative game which takes 30-40 minutes and plays from 2 to 4 players. This mode requires a bit more strategic thinking and is more suited for adults and older children. The goal for the players is to train a predetermined number of dragons and have them successfully attack the Hunter.
The Keepers have vowed to protect the dragons. In both game modes, players will choose a Keeper deck to play the game with. Keeper decks have a unique colored tribe symbol on the back of the card. The front of the card represents a Keeper from each different tribe. For example, the Red Keeper deck will have a Keeper from each color (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, and White).
Each card in a player’s Keeper deck represents an individual dragon keeper which will protect one type of dragon from attacks made by the hunter. For example, a purple dragon keeper can only protect a purple dragon.
The dragons in the game are powerful untamed magical creatures that always start the game with the Friendly side of their Dragon tile face up. In the Keeper game, the dragons are younger and will never be flipped to their Trained side. In the Dragon game, the dragons are older and keepers can train them which flips the tile to the trained side. Both Friendly and Trained sides of a Dragon tile will have a number of Heart symbols in the upper left corner. The hearts represent the Life of the dragon and also the number of attacks the dragon can receive before they are defeated.
The world of Dragon Keepers is a mystical place. The keepers have harnessed magical powers by using special items and spells. Players will receive Magic cards as a reward for defending or healing the dragons. Magic cards allow a player to take a powerful independent second action during their turn.